Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Opening Activity 10.11.11

1. List and describe two things you already knew.
A. 1. i already knew about the establishing shot and how it sets a scene
     2. getting wide and tight shots, move closer dont zoom

2. List and describe two things you learned for the first time.
A. 1. i learned about a variety shot and how you shoot alot more raw footage
     2. i learned about the follow action and how your viewers eyes will want to follow so give they what they want.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Opening Activity 10.7.11

1. What is the role of the reporter's seques in this story?
A. To introduce new questions and tell things that didnt fit into questions

2. Why do you think she did not include a stand-up in the story?
A. Because she was going to take away the attention from shayna

3. What is the biggest surprise in the story?
A. That she was 2 weeks pregnant and the baby was born without complications

4. How does the story end with hope?
A. That miracles do happen.